Soulfest pulls Australian artists last minute at the Melbourne soulfest yesterday
In an article released by ABC earlier this year, Soulfest promoter John Denison says about the Australian Artists and Soulfest…
“These artists have been trickling out of us for years in an underground way,” says Denison. “So our legacy will be giving them a voice. It’s their festival as much as it is ours, because they’ve developed the market for us in a grassroots way here.”
Not so at yesterday’s first annual neo-soul, hip hop and jazz festival in Melbourne.
Yesterday morning, Soulfest released a statement on facebook stating that “Due to a combination of operational and logistical issues – the local stage will not be operating today. All local artists will not be appearing. We apologize to our local artists and the punters for this inconvenience.“
Australian Artists were obviously dissapointed and released statements apologising to their fans for this last minute announcement.
Ngaiire –
Hey Melbourne. Sorry we can’t make tonight’s Soulfest We got to Melbourne and then literally had to turn right around due to the festival’s own issues. We had a surprise in the form of Nai Palm getting up and everything! Sydney on the other hand! We had such a fun time last night. Seeing your wonderful faces in the crowd. Exploding hearts everywhere. Thanking my crew for working so hard on this show.
After Sydney’s Sound issues and cancellation of Mos Def, due to him missing a flight, this was another blow to Australian Soul fans, who not only came to see the stella international line-up, but were there to support the Australian Soul music scene as well.